Current Writings
Finished Writings
- A “Great Conversation” Model of University DEI: At the University of Chicago, for Example
- A Perfect Storm of Vitriol: A Review of Norman Finkelstein’s I’ll Burn that Bridge When I Get to It! (2023)
- An ‘Is’ and ‘Ought’ of Developmental Psychology: Toward a Scientific Study of Human Ontogeny
- Bronx Beauty Marries Londoner: An Oral History of the Courtship and Marriage of Jean Klein and Jack Rose
- Greeks Bearing Texts; Or, Whose Odyssey is it Anyway?
- Lewis Carroll’s ‘Jabberwocky’: Non-sense Not Nonsense
- Literary Pragmatics and/of Homer’s Odyssey
- Read, Think, Listen, Speak: A Guide for New Students
- Self-Evident Truths? Origin Myths and the Founding of America
- Somebody Killed Something: Ambiguous Hero and Beast in Lewis Carroll’s ‘Jabberwocky’
- The Basic Program of Liberal Education for Adults Archive Highlights
- The Scientific Construction of Developmental Norms
- The Truth of Muhammad al-Dura: A Response to James Fallows