You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.
– Albert Einstein
As a Lecturer
As with my teaching, I don’t think that in my first life as an engineer I could have imagined a professional life that included me lecturing. And yet lecturing turns out to be one of the most satisfying aspects of my second life — perhaps because it requires a different skill set than Socratic Method teaching and therefore is a nice complement to it. (On the other hand, I have been somewhat surprised and dismayed at how few lecturers seem to recognize, let alone embrace and cultivate, the essentials of successful lecturing.)
Like most of my teaching, most of my lecturing focuses on Great Books in general and my particular interests in epics, Abrahamic scriptures and Plato’s dialogues. In addition, however, my interest in the history of the Great Books Movement in general and the Basic Program in particular is periodically manifested in lectures about those topics as well as about liberal education in general.
What’s Here
The LECTURING section of this website contains information about most of the lectures that I have given. For most lectures, this includes the:
- lecture title; and
- lecture description.
In some cases, this also includes:
- an audio recording of the lecture; and/or,
- various materials related to the lecture.
If you can’t find what you are looking for, please contact me.
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